KIDS幼儿园设计 | 日本艺术研学之旅



Among the great architects of the 20th century, the Japanese architectural community has always been most interested in Le Corbusier, who is regarded as the leader of modern architecture and has maintained a long-term concern and Research on him. 

▼ 上野公园里的宝藏  |  Treasures in Ueno Park


Shangye Park is not only a famous place for spring cherry appreciation, but also a gathering place for many architectural masterpieces.

▼可生长的美术馆  |  Growing Art Galleries


The National Western Art Museum is the realization of Cobb's early concept of "Growing Art Museum". In his lifetime of architecture, only two projects in India and two projects in Japan have realized the idea. Buildings like spiral shells can grow infinitely outward, and in the future when expansion is needed, the original buildings can be extended outward.

▼零距离感受大师方案概念阶段  |  Zero Distance Experience Master Scheme Conceptual Stage

▼《归》旅行的意义,感受意象设计之美  |  The Significance of Travel in Gui and the Beauty of Image Desig▼ 剪断、打结在组合,就有人类世界的复杂关系  |  Cut and knot in combination, there is a complex relationship of the human world.艺术总是十分高雅而不可及的,它是一次展览,一次经历,有艺术的地方就有欢乐,有美......走走停停 发现各个建筑设计之美,感悟每座建筑的灵魂之作。

▼  全球最大星巴克!隈研吾绝美设计!  |  The world's largest Starbucks! Kuan Yanwu's beautiful design!


Master Kumawa hopes to create a sense of life style in the new era, combining Japanese traditional design with the modern feeling of Starbucks, matching the sense of nature and season of Mukawa, and creating a warm and harmonious atmosphere.


Open coffee bar, you can see the process of making coffee, but also close observation of French filter pot, siphon coffee pot and other instruments, is absolutely a pilgrimage place for coffee fans!


Another feature is the outdoor seating area, where consumers can order meals on other floors and enjoy coffee while enjoying the beautiful scenery of cherry blossoms in Heichuan.



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